Tuesday 4 December 2012

Witley Court Society - Next meeting Thursday 6th December 2012

The Witley Court Society


Registered Charity no: 1001400

Founded at the Great Witley Parish Church Tearooms

on the 16th June 2012.


Chairman: Mark Brown

Secretary: David Pagett

Treasurer: Angela Snow

Journal editor: Rod Sproat

Membership Secretary: Sally Ludlow


Quarterly Meeting to be held at the Hundred House, Great Witley on Thursday 6th December 2012 at 20.00 hours.


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Chairman's welcome and address.
  3. Minutes from the September 2012 meeting.
  4. Secretary's report
  5. Treasurer's report – financial situation.
  6. Distribution of the latest W.C.S. journal.
  7. Committee members and society bank account.
  8. Further discussion with regards to future W.C.S. activities, viz: membership matters, web site, material for future journals, archives & research, publicity, speakers, visits, Worcestershire Local History Forum, affiliations, exhibition stands, displays, logo's etc.
  9. Witley church stewards gathering – Saturday 15th December 2012 at Great Witley village hall.
  10. Invitation for Mr. Simon Lees-Milne, Witley Church restoration committee, to come along to one of our meetings to talk about future proposed developments at the church.
  11. A.O.B.

A reminder to all members that annual subscriptions to the society are now due, at the agreed rates. This will help to swell the depleting coffers and provide on-going finance, especially with regards to day-to-day costs such as printing and postage.

It has become a custom over recent years for a number of members to arrive early for the meeting in order to avail themselves of the excellent dining facilities offered by our hosts at the Hundred House. We usually end up with a light meal or bar snack. Please feel free to join us from around 7.00 pm onwards.

    David Pagett, Secretary

1 comment:

  1. I think that Elizabeth Foley (1756-1776), a sister of Lord Balloon and daughter of Thomas Lord Foley, of the second creation, was my 5th great-grandmother. She apparently eloped with her music master when she was 15 or 16 and had a baby - so the rumour on both sides of the family goes. She died aged 20, unmarried, but was presented at Court before her demise. Can you shed any light on the matter? We also have a copy of the will of an Elizabeth who was a daughter of Thomas Lord Foley, of the first creation, who died in 1759 and she expressed a desire to be interred in the family vault at Witley church. Can you also verify that, please? I think a trip to Witley is on the cards! Mac Hawkins
